Paintless Dent Removal and Severe Weather Related Websites, Resources and Information

Included here are a set of websites related to paintless dent removal, severe weather, storms, photography and PDR Training and Online PDR courses websites.

Severe Weather, Weather Photography and Severe Storms and Information Websites

- from Australian Severe Weather and extreme storms Australia

before and after hail repair picture
Before and after hail repair picture

Storm links, thousands of weather photographs, storm videos, storm news articles, weather observation techniques

Paintless Dent Removal Training and PDR Training Resources

Photography and Art Websites

Other Website Resources

PDR Training Online PDR eBook

The main topics of the PDR Training Online eBook are as follows and these are subdivided into chapters:

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Chapters include the following sections and each chapter divided into topics:

  • Chapter 01 Introduction to Paintless Dent Repair, History and the Context.
  • Chapter 02 Quotations, Insurance Processes and the Customer.
  • Chapter 03 The Paintless Dent Repair Business Plan and Setup Procedures.
  • Chapter 04 Paintless Dent Repair Business Model, Planning and Operations.
  • Chapter 05 Business Accounting, Advertising and PDR Software.
  • Chapter 06 Paintless Dent Repair Business Management, Insurance and the Client.
  • Chapter 07 Hail Dents, Estimation and the Dent Matrix.
  • Chapter 08 Quotations, Insurance, the Customer and Communication.
  • Chapter 09 Paintless Dent Tools and Lighting.
  • Chapter 10 Remove and Replace Techniques and Procedures.
  • Chapter 11 Introduction to PDR Techniques and Glue and Pulling.
  • Chapter 12 Paintless Dent Repair Techniques, Leverage and Access Points.
  • Chapter 13 Weather Forecasting Techniques, Hailstorms and Hailstorm Climatology.
This online PDR eBook is meant to complement the 5 Day Practical Training Course.
pdr training online pdr eBook
PDR Training Online PDR eBook

We hope you enjoy this important resource of an understanding into the PDR industry, tools and the techniques used. More paintless dent removal industry information and PDR techniques and tools are being added to this online PDR resource! For those who like hands on and simply hate reading should use this resource in small doses - one page at a time. This PDR eBook was written with essential information that assists in setting up a business in the PDR industry.

Most people that enter the PDR Industry without a knowledge of the industry and its challenges may find it difficult to enter into the industry.

PDR Course Information

So what content is included in our courses?

You will learn all you require in PDR in the traditional methodology:

  • Finding the tip
  • Pushing dents on bonnets, roofs, doors and quarter panels
  • the type of tools used in PDR
  • access points around the car and the tools used with these access points in mind
  • dent count and quotation depending on your requirements
  • we teach you quotation – private, car yard and also for insurance – they are all different pricing and approaches
  • then we start all the methods above in glue pulling – once again bonnets, roofs, doors and quarter panels
  • recognising and noting down damage
  • push to paint
  • an assessment as well as tick sheet is provided to the trainer to ensure that the skills have been covered

The whole course is practical no theory required just hands on. Here are the associated videos of the PDR Course online

Are you a Car Detailer?
Are you a Spray painter?

Choose a favoured PDR Course location and then Enrol in the PDR course of your choice

Paintless Dent Repair Course?

Tools: It is recommended to bring your own tools so that you can get a feel for the type of tools that match your comfort. Starter kits are available. Please consider the best tools from either DentCraft or Ultradent. If you don’t have your own tools, we do provide tools at the course so no need to panic. Just pay and enrol and you are in. Ask for the payment details by contacting PDRTraining using the contact form.   Please feel free to learn more about PDR and its techniques in the online eBook for now:

The PDR COURSE online is a set of videos showing what is in the course comes free with any paid practical PDR courses

Online Course Enrolment and Payment procedures For those who don’t wish to enrol in the Full Practical 5 Day course? Want to simply try the Online Course first?

Want a change in Career and Income? Looking for a different career move? Or is it a case of things expenses are rising but not the wages? PDR Training offers solutions! Whilst the economy suffers and things get tight, PDR Technicians move on regardless secretly earning one of the most highest total earnings in the country. I assure you I have seen first hand evidence of what PDR Technicians can and do earn!

Why the secret? This is simply the industry. In the whole of its relatively short history as a commercial trade, PDR Technicians have been secretly moving about earning literally thousands – I have seen $90,000 between two technicians for one-two months work! We have had a massive influx of applicants wanting to do PDR Training since the Melbourne hailstorm particularly from PDR Technicians closest counterparts – panel beaters – they also realise the massive difference between their wages and PDR Technicians – there is simply no comparison!

How do I get into this trade? Simple! PDR Training is your first entry point into this unique industry we call paintless dent repair or paintless dent removal. You need to take that first step and persevere to realise this potential! You hold yourself back, you probably will regret it! For a beginning investment of $49, you are getting a great investment into a future career! At PDR Training, our PDR course is extremely flexible and comprehensive. Much thought has been put into the design of each module and content to prepare technicians to be successful in the industry. Furthermore, our aim is to ensure that those who do attend the course have the support after the 5-Day course to persevere in the difficult period that follows. This online course and website will provide added support as well as notes to fall back on when required.

Please feel free to contact Jimmy on 0408020468 for course information or hail repairs

For more about us, check out our history.

Before you contact us please try our questionnaire. It’s quick and designed to answer many of the similar questions we get asked! It is also designed to direct your thoughts into the planning required for this industry.

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Of course either contact Jimmy on 048020468 or Email Jimmy [email protected]

Find out more about the PDR training course! Contact 0408020468 for a chat about our PDR Training. Enrol in our PDR Training course!