04 Oct

Melbourne Course 1st to 5th October 2012 – Day 4

More from the Melbourne Course 1st to 5th October 2012 as it enters Day 4. Guys seem to be enjoying themselves and have moved into learning a slightly more advanced set of procedures of paintless dent removal. Great to see the car nick-named the ‘firetruck’ by our technicians being sacrificed once again for the course!

02 Oct

Melbourne Course 1st to 5th October 2012

Our second course in Melbourne is already underway and providing a unique challenge and opportunity for the trainees. Trainers Phill and Richard both suggest that all participants are enjoying themselves! This course his attracted our largest number of attendees which required Richard to come on board to provide his PDR skills. Welcome to PDR Training […]

21 Jul

PDR Training Melbourne 2012 Gallery Day 5

The final day, Day 5, was a long and arduous. The guys were assessed at various stages during the day to see how they had progressed since the first day. It has been a hard and painstaking process for all but rewarding. And rewards did they deserve. As is the tradition in our company, we […]

19 Jul

PDR Training Melbourne 2012 Gallery Day 4

The trainee PDR technicians continue to work extremely hard on improving various skills they grasped so far this week. Today, the attention was on all aspects to be considered when considering the glue and pull technique. The pictures show Phill illustrating the dynamics of how glue and pull works on each panels. The trainees then […]