Advanced PDR Training – T-Hotbox and Blending

The T-hotbox – another tool for the PDR industry The paintless dent removal industry continues to evolve and in the past 12 months, the requirements by most companies has seen the requirements to add the use of the Hotbox also known as the T-Hotbox. So PDR Training Australia has now introduced the option of Hotbox […]

Sydney Hailstorm – Hailstones as large as cricket balls pound Sydney suburbs

For most residents, the 18th February 2017 saw vehicles and even houses damaged by large hailstones some as large as cricket balls. The hailstorm structure mid afternoon Saturday catching many people unaware of the rapidly approaching storm. Many were caught out in traffic. Unfortunately, the hailstones dent panels and even broke windows. This is likely […]

The PDR Business Setup – What Next?

PDR Business Setup Ok so, we provide PDR Training? What happens next. After the course, there are crucial steps to ensure you are ready to enter the PDR industry on top of the practice that is required. In fact, when we first get enquiries, we are already looking into your future for potential business strategies. When […]

14 Oct

3 Day PDR Training versus 5 Day Training

Is 3 Day PDR Training Useful? Recently, it came to our attention that one of our competitors has been bad-mouthing 3 Day PDR Training.  Well perhaps bad-mouthing is not the word but trying to sell the 5 Day Course concept over the 3 Day Course concept with statements like "You can’t learn PDR in 3 […]