26 Apr

Quotation Process – Liaising with the Customer

Back to Contents Quotation Process – An Introduction Quotation Process – Liaising with the Customer Quotation Process – Damaged Parts Quotation Process – The Insurance Quotation Quotation Process – The Calculation The Quotation Process – Private and Car Yards Quotations Quotation Process – Software Packages The customer should always be present in the quotation process. It […]

26 Apr

Quotation Process – Damaged Parts

Back to Contents Quotation Process – An Introduction Quotation Process – Liaising with the Customer Quotation Process – Damaged Parts Quotation Process – The Insurance Quotation Quotation Process – The Calculation The Quotation Process – Private and Car Yards Quotations Quotation Process – Software Packages Consistently in most hailstorms, there are vulnerable parts that are found […]

26 Apr

Quotation Process – The Insurance Quotation

Back to Contents Quotation Process – An Introduction Quotation Process – Liaising with the Customer Quotation Process – Damaged Parts Quotation Process – The Insurance Quotation Quotation Process – The Calculation The Quotation Process – Private and Car Yards Quotations Quotation Process – Software Packages Given we have inspected the vehicle, cleaned the vehicle and taken […]

26 Apr

Quotation Process – The Calculation

Back to Contents Quotation Process – An Introduction Quotation Process – Liaising with the Customer Quotation Process – Damaged Parts Quotation Process – The Insurance Quotation Quotation Process – The Calculation The Quotation Process – Private and Car Yards Quotations Quotation Process – Software Packages Calculating the quotation Just as a final check, with all panels […]