Welcome to PDR Training Australia

Make your passion your profession. Live up your passion.

PDR (or paintless dent removal) is the art of removing dents without repainting to maintain the original factory paint.
Online Courses
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How much is the course?

What type of course?

When is the next course?

Google’s top ranked business in Australia.

Dedicated One-on-One Courses

This is just a simple text made for the demos to show the available features.
This is just a simple text made for the demos to show the available features.

Flexibility in Pricing and Structure

This is just a simple text made for the demos to show the available features.

We Train All Year Round

This is just a simple text made for the demos to show the available features.

Who Have We Trained in PDR?

We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!

We’re Connected to Help You All the Time

We have direct connections with the PDR Industry and programs unfolding to enable PDR Trainees (at the various stages of development) scholarship style employment in the ever-changing PDR Industry.

  • One-on-One PDR Courses

    We were the first to provide dedicated custom One-on-One PDR Courses
  • FREE continued support

    We were the first to provide support for both repairing dents and also business concepts.
  • PDR Industry Connections

    On top of support of your business, we continue to expand existing pathways to business and work experience programs.

Benefits of Paintless Dent Removal

Want to change your careers​

Do you hate your boss

Not earning enough money

Dirty work

Three main techniques are use:


There are a few common questions that are asked so here is a summary on how courses work

How long are your PDR Courses?
Courses vary from 1 day taster courses to 28 days full advanced Masterclass PDR Course
Are there loans or payment plans available?
Yes and we have worked hard to provide these opportunities of doing PDR! We understand and take seriously the pressures of the increasing cost of living! So our partners have teamed us with us closely to accommodate Train Now Pay Later options Apply for the 3 Day, 5 Day or 6 Day course… Apply for the 12 to 28 Day PDR Course… As per usual these are offered to assist people - please read the terms and conditions before committing
Are your courses available on the weekends
Absolutely! For many years now we have said yes as much as possible to accommodate the needs our trainees and this is why they have appreciated what we have done for them on top of the support. Our courses: can be done over weekends can be split on a day by day circumstance our courses are designed to be very flexible to fit your needs - we like to say yes as much as possible
I am a female - can I do PDR?
Absolutely! There is nothing more satisfying than to have our female applicants graduating into a male dominated industry. There is no physical reason that would prevent females from entering the PDR industry! And like other similar industries, the PDR industry is welcoming more and more females.

You will learn all you require in PDR in the traditional methodology:

The whole course is practical, no theory required just hands on.

How much does a PDR technician earn?​

This is simply the industry. In the whole of its relatively short history as a commercial trade, PDR Technicians have been secretly moving about earning literally thousands – I have seen $90,000 between two technicians for one-two months work! We have had a massive influx of applicants wanting to do PDR Training since the Melbourne hailstorm particularly from PDR Technicians closest counterparts – panel beaters – they also realise the massive difference between their wages and PDR Technicians – there is simply no comparison!

How do I get into this trade?

Simple! PDR Training is your first entry point into this unique industry we call paintless dent repair or paintless dent removal. You need to take that first step and persevere to realise this potential! You hold yourself back, you probably will regret it!

Any Questions? Enquire Now....

before and after hail repair picture

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10 $ will be there after signing up in order to access ebooks and videos.

Payment Plans available for as little as $25/week!

Train Now Pay Later

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Dent Repair Services - Free Quotes!!

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Welcome to our PDR Training Centre

Car Clean
Payment Plans

PDR Training is more affordable than ever before!​

Call us for our 20% discount! 0408020468

Payment plans are available!!! Train Now Pay Later

Our Commitment

All Our PDR Courses are...

Car Clean
Over15 Years of Experience
Lifetime Support...

We’re Connected to Help You
All the Time

We have direct connections with the PDR Industry and programs unfolding to enable PDR Trainees (at the various stages of development) scholarship style employment in the ever-changing PDR Industry.

Not only are people destined for the hail repair but across a far broader part of the servicing sector including car park and trolley dents.

We assist in helping you build your business in paintless dent removal in your local area to provide a foothold in your expanding local industry.

Paintless Dent Repair Course Melbourne 1st to 5th July 2013 Day 2 and Day 3
03 Jul

Paintless Dent Repair Course Melbourne 1st to 5th July 2013 Day 2 and Day 3

By Day 2 and Day 3, everyone is appreciating the paintless dent repair course! Nine grueling hours on Day 1 introduced the new technicians into the reality of the paintless dent repair world. And aren’t they loving it! On Day 2, the techs were introduced to quoting techniques and pushing dents as well as tap […]

Paintless Dent Repair Training Course Melbourne 2013
04 Jul

Paintless Dent Repair Training Course Melbourne 2013

Day 4 in the Paintless Dent Repair Training Course in Melbourne 2013. Surprise results! Included here are some images that best show today’s activities. In particular, check the before after shots included here!  These were completed by one of trainee technicians!

Learn Paintless Dent Repair with PDR Australia
24 Jul

Learn Paintless Dent Repair with PDR Australia

Learning PDR is not as simple as it seems. Whether you are a panel beater or have never pulled apart a car in your life, those that are most successful in our courses are those that are: – have good hand-eye co-ordination skills as well as patience and perseverence. – committed and determined. – have […]

Easy PDR Booking System

04 Mar

We have been around for a long time? Please compare!

Don’t support copycats! It came to our attention a competitor has copied exactly the pricing structure we so tirelessly created over years of trials. Unlike other competitors, we permanently provide and continue to specialise in year round training and support and devised programs and opportunities for PDR technicians to break into the industry to prevent […]