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138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
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In the past few PDR courses, we have noticed an uptake of the many "less expensive" pdr tool sets that have been purchased by those trying to train themselves. In this article, I will attempt toe address these issues.
The pdr tool sets from eBay unless they are a second hand professional sets from one of the PDR Technicians which are rarely on the market then please note that the Chinese PDR Tool copies just don't make the cut! From one point of view it's probably an experience to perhaps use these to try and find out of you have it and how easy or how hard PDR really is!
In the long run though, why pay $500 if that money can be put to better use towards a professional US set. Yes I know it is $3400 for a set 20 Ultradent PDR professional set! But these sets you buy once and they are guaranteed for a lifetime! They back up their products!
So what is the difference? They look the same in the picture - hell I was once accused of trying to make at that time $2500 profit a 400% markup on these cheap EBay PDR tools! Nothing can be further from the truth!
The PDR EBay set have glue pullers but I have been told that the glue may take a few minutes) (up to 10 minutes) for you to be able to glue pull the tabs! Try 10 seconds for the proper professional glues in the PDR industry! Yes seconds and you can jab it out. Think about the time difference pulling out a thousand dents! The efficiency itself in the long runs will pay back the cost of a professional set!
Still not convinced? The same guy that accused me of making 400% - well the son who did the course bent the tool on day 3 of the course and slammed it in disgust to the ground! Yes bent the rod! This simply does not happen with the professional PDR Tools from Europe or the US! You see they have a secret formula in the metal mixture that allows for a combination of smooth flexibility and strength. It is just so perfect to use! That's the difference in price. Again the efficiency in not ruining dents because of that smoothness, balance and ease of use of the professional tools. It's like the difference in buying a Rolls Royce compared to a Grand Wall! There is simply no substitute for quality in this game!
Furthermore, although it is sometimes great to try before you buy, just remember those Youtube videos CANNOT show you the secret of this art in paintless dent removal. There is no substitute compared to having someone over your shoulder and exactly pointing out where to push the dent exactly highs and lows etc!
Book a PDR Course with us - we back up our PDR Courses and provide ample support afterwards. We want you to enter the PDR industry - why should overseas PDR Technicians take up the work local Australians can do! That is our motto!
We Provide 365 Day Support with all our PDR courses!
We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!
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