138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
138 Hanckel Road Oakville,
NSW, 2765, Australia
24/7 Customer Support
Finally on Day 5 and we committed to more of the side panels - the door and quarter panel repairs using door wedges and glass protectors and the appropriate tools. This car really got a work out this week!
Some of the techniques gone through were access points and Phill went through a thorough check list of what the graduates of the course required to consider down the track. Phill touched on OH&S which is an integral part of any business but obviously being a painter or panel beater already, this is a requirement of their previous training and their workplace.
They were fortunate to see live jobs of one of our ex-students! This was his first ever $3000 job and he was also excited. We had one of our other ex-student Richard come in and get some update on how he has progressed. We always ask students in their first year to not suffer in silence! And this is beginning to be utilised to their advantage. Free of charge too! Out aim is to ensure everyone exhausts every avenue rather than for one reason or another leave PDR without a good shot at it.
The trainees also learned about the offer of franchise arrangements - their disadvantages and advantages. We never promote our courses with such and allow them to apply their own plans. Most have remained in contact with us.
Lets hope that the students enjoyed the course and their feedback will be combined with others' from previous courses. Certificates are handed out today as well as the final assessment feedback.
We Provide 365 Day Support with all our PDR courses!
We welcome any applicant to simply try our certificate PDR courses – we can train anyone from bankers to mechanics, car detailers, spray painters and of course panel beaters!
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